Welcome to Field and Path

The #1 App For Environmental Monitoring

Environmental standards such as LEAF Marque are becoming a requirement for several different retailers including M&S. Farmers are required to both capture information on the environment they look after as well as engaging with the local community.

Field and Path has been designed to help with both of these tasks. A simple web-based application, that is designed to capture images and location data on phones can be used by both your staff and the wider public, to identify good and if necessary bad aspects of environmental management.

All captured images are stored on a portal that you can access (not displayed publicly), which will detail the date/time of the picture as well as location details (so you can check it is a valid picture). Pictures can then be downloaded to use in reports as required.

Field signs can also be supplied for footpaths to encourage community engagement and can be changed throughout the year, to show different activities / flora or faun to look out for.

What's included

  • Image uploads from desktop & mobile devices

  • Location Tracking

  • Download images anytime

  • Image tagging

One price:

£120 + VAT